[HowTo] C# Hide TitleBar on MDI Child windows when maximized
1) All childs WindowState must be set to Normal 2) Show() method must becalled rather than Focus() . 3) The Big One: Parent windows MainMenuStrip must be set (put something like this.MainMenuStrip = new MenuStrip(); in the mdi form_load event). Source
The type initialized for ‘SingletonCreator’ threw an exception or System.BadImageFormatException
You are using GreatMap.Net (Gmap.net) in visual studio and you eventually have one of those error messages : The type initialized for ‘SingletonCreator’ threw an exception System.BadImageFormatException Don’t worry there is a solution… The type initialized for ‘SingletonCreator’ threw an exception Simply add this useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy=”true” in your app.config file in the <Startup> tag in order […]