[Code Sample] GetSoftwareRoot without knowing 64 or 32bit mode
In the case where you explicitly need to read a value written by a 32 bit program in a 64 bit program, it’s OK to hard code it. Simply because there really is no other option. I would of course abstract it out to a helper function. For example : private static RegistryKey GetSoftwareRoot() { […]
Visual Studio 2012 Color Theme
First thing first, here is the tool : http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/366ad100-0003-4c9a-81a8-337d4e7ace05 Install via Extension Manager (Tools/Options) Install via Visual Studio Gallery.com (download and open directly or save then double-click) Install via “xcopy” into %appdata%\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions For Visual Studio 2012 Express, check this link : http://alinconstantin.blogspot.be/2012/09/using-color-themes-with-visual-studio.html How to change Icons : http://vsip.codeplex.com/
[HowTo] Convert a Text Box to a Frame in Word
http://www.fanhow.com/knowhow:Convert_a_Text_Box_to_a_Frame_in_Word_32373524 http://www.extendoffice.com/documents/word/932-word-convert-text-box-to-frame.html