[HowTo] disable “unknown publisher” security message on Windows Mobile device
[Error] Please install NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm.cab or NETCFv35.Messages.FR.wm.cab
Damn… I’ve taken some time to find a correct way to handle this… Sometimes, when debugging windows mobile applications, i got the following message : “An error message is available for this exception but cannot be displayed because these messages are optional and are not currently installed on this device. Please install ‘NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm.cab’ for Windows […]
Change the device name of a wondows mobile 6.5
Settings -> About -> device id tab, then change the name… and that’s it. Source : Jason Langridge’s WebLog
PInvoke.net : Far beyond managed code (DllImport inside)
PInvoke.net is primarily a wiki, allowing developers to find, edit and add PInvoke* signatures, user-defined types, and any other information related to calling Win32 and other unmanaged APIs from managed code (written in languages such as C# or VB.NET). sample code : [DllImport(“aygshell.dll”)] static extern uint SHRecognizeGesture(ref SHRGINFO shrg); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] class SHRGINFO { public uint […]
[HowTo] Application start on “Wake up” event
Using this code will allow you to configure your application to start or to display following a system wakeup event. /// <summary> /// This function starts running an application when a specified event occurs. /// </summary> /// <param name=”application”>The application. eg: @”\Program Files\testapp\testapp.exe”</param> /// <param name=”notificationEvent”>Event at which the application is to be started. Use […]