Teamviewer 7.0.12142
Download page @ As usual, new version means upgrade… Download full v7.0.12142 Download Quick support v7.0.12142 or Cybernet Quick support v7.0.12142 And the portable apps for usb keys portable version does not allow to store configuration Download Teamviewer portable v7.0.12142 Tips : when using a portable version, you could create shortcuts with hard coded […]
Reduce Windows 7 WinSxS Folder Size
With Windows Vista, the WinSxS folder was able to be cleaned up via a third party tool (WinSxS Lite here – Vista only!). With the initial release of Windows 7, we lost that capability – but it has since returned with Service Pack 1. The WinSxS folder is used to store install and uninstall files, […]
Introducing Crystal Reports
With the release of Visual Studio.NET 2003, Microsoft finally woke up to the needs of developers. They licensed Crystal Decisions to write a version of Crystal Reports to be the default reporting solution installed with .NET. Built into the IDE, Windows developers now have the tools to write presentation-quality interactive reports. More on : Introducing […]
Change the device name of a wondows mobile 6.5
Settings -> About -> device id tab, then change the name… and that’s it. Source : Jason Langridge’s WebLog : Far beyond managed code (DllImport inside) is primarily a wiki, allowing developers to find, edit and add PInvoke* signatures, user-defined types, and any other information related to calling Win32 and other unmanaged APIs from managed code (written in languages such as C# or VB.NET). sample code : [DllImport(“aygshell.dll”)] static extern uint SHRecognizeGesture(ref SHRGINFO shrg); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] class SHRGINFO { public uint […]
How to upload a .SQL file to a Hoster and Execute it to Deploy a SQL Database
How to upload a .SQL file to a Hoster and Execute it to Deploy a SQL Database @ ScottGU BLOG
[MSSQL] Reset Identity Column
If you are using an identity column on your SQL Server tables, you can set the next insert value to whatever value you want. An example is if you wanted to start numbering your ID column at 1000 instead of 1. It would be wise to first check what the current identify value is. We […]
Uninstall the Vmware tools when already upgraded to workstation 8
Unable to upgrade existing VMware Tools