[HowTo] LINQ filter : Ignore accented letters (Diacritics) in string comparison ?
Here is a small extension method that will do the job (Warning : do not use for Linq To Sql): public static string RemoveDiacritics(this string text) { string formD = text.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char ch in formD) { UnicodeCategory uc = CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(ch); if (uc != UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark) { sb.Append(ch); } } return […]
[Code Sample] GetSoftwareRoot without knowing 64 or 32bit mode
In the case where you explicitly need to read a value written by a 32 bit program in a 64 bit program, it’s OK to hard code it. Simply because there really is no other option. I would of course abstract it out to a helper function. For example : private static RegistryKey GetSoftwareRoot() { […]
Visual Studio 2012 Color Theme
First thing first, here is the tool : http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/366ad100-0003-4c9a-81a8-337d4e7ace05 Install via Extension Manager (Tools/Options) Install via Visual Studio Gallery.com (download and open directly or save then double-click) Install via “xcopy” into %appdata%\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions For Visual Studio 2012 Express, check this link : http://alinconstantin.blogspot.be/2012/09/using-color-themes-with-visual-studio.html How to change Icons : http://vsip.codeplex.com/
[HowTo] Convert a Text Box to a Frame in Word
http://www.fanhow.com/knowhow:Convert_a_Text_Box_to_a_Frame_in_Word_32373524 http://www.extendoffice.com/documents/word/932-word-convert-text-box-to-frame.html
Could not load file or assembly ‘xxx.yyy’ or one of its dependencies…
Annoying message … if any… Could not load file or assembly ‘xxx.yyy’ or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. or in French : Impossible de charger le fichier ou l’assembly ‘xxx.yyy’ ou une de ses dépendances. Tentative de chargement d’un programme de format incorrect. Problem […]
[HowTo] Raising Custom Events in C#
First you need to declare an event in the class that’s going to raise the event. This is just like declaring a normal variable: public event EventHandler MyEvent; Then you need a method that’s going to be called to raise the event. This goes into the same class that you just declared the event in. […]
[HowTo] Find the Component Container
[Browsable(true)] [Category(“Data”), Description(“The parent container, usually the form, that contains the controls on which the ErrorProvider can display error icons “), Localizable(true)] public ContainerControl ContainerControl { get { return _containerControl; } set { _containerControl = value; } } public override ISite Site { get { return base.Site; } set { base.Site = value; if (value […]
[How To] script data in MSSQL Server 2008 R2 using Script Wizard
Right clicking on the DB Click on tasks Click on generate scripts Go through the wizard and select your tables On the options page click the Advanced button Change the “Types of data to script” option, from the default “Schema only” to “Schema and data”.
[HowTo] C# Hide TitleBar on MDI Child windows when maximized
1) All childs WindowState must be set to Normal 2) Show() method must becalled rather than Focus() . 3) The Big One: Parent windows MainMenuStrip must be set (put something like this.MainMenuStrip = new MenuStrip(); in the mdi form_load event). Source
[HowTo] Can’t save table modifications in ms sql manager : Saving changes is not permitted.
In mssql server manager, when trying to update tables design, you get this message : Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropper and re-created. Here is the solution… uncheck the “prevent saving changes that require table re-creation” checkbox as follow :